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Sunday, March 31, 2013

What to choose for your blog platform Blogger or Wordpress?

English: WordPress Logo
English: WordPress Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Maybe you've got here just looking at Google. This should make you think about the potential of a blog is that now, more than ever, the contents play a very important note that is what will differentiate you from the competition.

As you probably know, there are basically two important and recommended platforms for your blog,  Wordpress and Google's Blogger.This is a blog created with the Blogger platform. I do not intend to make a comparison with Wordpress but Blogger expose the benefits of that is the tool I use. To complete your study try to put links to recommended reading comparisons between the two platforms.

Then answer the questions you have in your head :-)
This is icon for social networking website. Th...
This is icon for social networking website. This is part of Open Icon Library's webpage icon package. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Why do I need a blog?

    To have your own space from which to communicate on the Internet

What topics I can write on the blog?

    Personal issues, experiences, travel ...
    Corporate, product news, offers ...
    Specialized topics, programming, design, cooking ...

What is the attitude I should have?

    Be consistent in the literature
    Transmit a direct and clear
    To think that each publication should be better than all previous
    Being supportive and think that convey your knowledge can help others if anything in return
    Involved with the comments and followers of your blog

Can you make money with a blog?

    If you open a blog with ideas to make money better than not even try
    You can make money with a blog, but very long term (2-3 years)
    Money should not be the trigger that drives you to create a blog

What are the best platforms for hosting a blog?


What does it cost to create and maintain a blog?

    The blogging Blogger is free both as in the online version of Wordpress ("In some cases we can announce Google text ads on your blog, but only very rarely" features extracted from Wordpress)
    WordPress is an installable version which is what most people use. To run this version you must have a hosting service where host and your blog thereby incur an extra expense.
    Many hosting providers make it easy WordPress installation but better have a friend with knowledge about you. In certain situations this "friend" can mean an additional cost (calls, emails, weather, etc).
    Wordpress Security Updates. If you go for the installable version of Wordpress keep in mind that you must keep your updated version and this maintenance can also add costs.
    Blogger does not have an installed version, the service is hosted on Google's servers and not have to worry about the hosting and maintenance, always use the latest version of the product

What do you expect from this blog platform?

    Make it easier to post
    Make it easy to manage
    That service constantly improve and evolve
    Which is stable

The ten reasons why I recommend Blogger

    Because it requires having to install or download anything. Everything from the browser
    Because it requires no technical knowledge of html, css, javascript. This causes you to focus exclusively on publications
    Because behind Google's Blogger
    Because the hosting is free to both the domain. Blogspot.com as the custom domain.
    Because after the blog integrated other Google services like Google Analytics (Statistics), Google Adesense (advertising), Google Site (site creator and file storage space for the blog), Google Webmaster Tools (which allows the search index Also of Google), Google Picasa to store photos blog, Youtube for videos ...
    Because you can also post on the blog from a smartphone
    It incorporates a powerful template designer in addition to the thousands you can get for free
    Because you can get started without spending a single euro thanks to the free domain. Blogspot.com
    Because you can buy a domain at any time directly (12 dollars / year) and free domain redirect you to the new.
    Because there is a large community of users who use it

Have you looked at Blogger lately?
What do you need to create a blog?

     For an account of GMail Blogger
     Wordpress For Online any email account

At this point you should have clarified certain doubts, now you decide which platform is Blogger or WordPress (online version or downloadable version), it is clear that my experience is very positive and Blogger is my recommendation.

Now what?

     Start by making a tour through Blogger and decides at the last step if you are creating the blog
     Lee Wordpress features and decide at the end if you are creating the blog

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