In this article we will see how to add it to your blog, as well as a series of tips to make the most of.
Notable Features
It is a visual element that will highlight your blog.
Clearly draw the attention of those who visit you. Below I outline some of the key features:
Who visits your blog, you allow follow easily using the button Add to circles
Shows profile pictures of some of those people with link to their respective profiles. This makes your reader that you know your community and add more people to your circles.
Displays a counter of the number of people who follow you
Facilitates who visits you access to all the people who follow you through the link at the bottom right
Also available for those who use dynamic templates.
Automatically adjusts to the width.
The high is always a maximum of four rows of photos
How fans show your personal profile or fan page of your company / brand Google+?
This is a key feature that I believe important to note. This gadget is able to display information on your personal profile or business page on Google+. This depends on how you have linked your blog with Google+. To view it should go to the Google+ tab default and whether it is linked to your personal profile page or your brand. It is one of the main differences with LikeBox Facebook and the latter is "only" shows fans a brand page and personal profile.

The new Followers gadget, others retire earlier gadgets
Knowing that this gadget can display information on a Google+ profile, can question you company logo or add me on Google+ gadget (third party) that has become totally obsolete, so cuestionártelos if you had in your blog.
Advice on the position of the followers gadget Google+
Given that it is very visual and invites to follow, ideally situated located in top of the side of the blog, so check out who you have not moved the page to see it. Anyway the Gadget automatically adapts to the width so it fits perfectly to the foot or the head, is a matter of taste and taste. Either vertically or horizontally on the maximum number of rows is four Current transition.
If like me, you have presence on various social networks will have to decide which prevails over, finally mention being combatible with Google Friend Connect gadget and both can be displayed on your blog.
Note: This section does not apply to those who use Blogger dynamic templates, since the position is always floating to the right.

Follow these step:
Go to the Layout
Click Add a Gadget
From the list select followers Google+
Drag the gadget to the desired
Save and view your blog
Go try different positions to find the one you think best.
You knew this Gadget? Have you applied for your blog?, Have presence in Google+? Are you one of those who have gone portrayed in this post?
Comment on this post, it is important to know your experience. Thank you.
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