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Friday, June 7, 2013

Nube Color Negro Para Etiquetas De Blogger

En este articulo te explicare cómo añadir un atractivo widget de etiquetas negra en forma de nube a blogger. Este widget de etiquetas es limpio y bonito, los visitantes pueden encontrar todas las categorías de tu blog fácilmente. Anade estilo y presencia a tu sitio.

Pasos para insertar este widget de etiquetas negras a tu blog.
 1. Entrar a la cuenta de blogger y Click desplegable.

2. A continuación, seleccione "Plantilla", como a continuación.

3. Ahora se puede ver en vivo en el blog, haga clic en el botón Editar HTML "

4. Ahora haga clic en el botón Continuar.
5. Encuentre esta etiqueta ]]> </ b: skin>  usando Ctrl + F 

6. Pegue el siguiente código antes de etiqueta ]]> </ b: skin>

/*-----Custom Labels widget by tricksblogspot.blogspot.com/----*/

#Label1 a{float:left;
margin-bottom: 9px;
background: rgb(69,72,77); /* Old browsers */
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  rgba(69,72,77,1) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,1) 100%); /* FF3.6+ */
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,rgba(69,72,77,1)), color-stop(100%,rgba(0,0,0,1))); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,  rgba(69,72,77,1) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,1) 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */
background: -o-linear-gradient(top,  rgba(69,72,77,1) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,1) 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */
background: -ms-linear-gradient(top,  rgba(69,72,77,1) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,1) 100%); /* IE10+ */
background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  rgba(69,72,77,1) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,1) 100%); /* W3C */
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#45484d', endColorstr='#000000',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */
#Label1 a:hover{fbackground: rgb(73,192,240); /* Old browsers */
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  rgba(73,192,240,1) 0%, rgba(44,175,227,1) 100%); /* FF3.6+ */
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,rgba(73,192,240,1)), color-stop(100%,rgba(44,175,227,1))); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,  rgba(73,192,240,1) 0%,rgba(44,175,227,1) 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */
background: -o-linear-gradient(top,  rgba(73,192,240,1) 0%,rgba(44,175,227,1) 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */
background: -ms-linear-gradient(top,  rgba(73,192,240,1) 0%,rgba(44,175,227,1) 100%); /* IE10+ */
background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  rgba(73,192,240,1) 0%,rgba(44,175,227,1) 100%); /* W3C */
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#49c0f0', endColorstr='#2cafe3',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */}
.h2head-text {margin:-40px 10px 8px 55px;color:#666666;font-family:arial;font-size:13px;}

#Label1{width:320px;;border-bottom-width: 1px;
border-bottom-style: solid;  
border-bottom-color: #D8D8D8;}

7. Ahora Haga clic en Guardar plantilla.

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Slider De Imagenes Con Descripcion Para Blog De Blogger

 En este artículo te explicare  cómo agregar una descripción desplegable de la imagen para blogger. Puede añadir este widget a la barra lateral.
Si tienes cualquier mensaje especial lo puede enlazar en su mensaje con este widget.Este mensaje deslizable de las imagenes se hizo utilizando CSS y HTML.Usted puede cambiar las imágenes y los vínculo a su gusto.

 Ejemplo:Ponga el cursor del raton sobre la imagen para activarlo.


Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy...

Siga los sigientes pasos para agregarlo a su blog.
 1. Entrar a la cuenta de blogger y Click menu desplegable.

2. A continuación, seleccione "Diseño", como a continuación.

3. Haga clic en Agregar un Gadget y seleccione "HTML / Javascript


 4. Pegar el siguiente codigo.

.image-box {
  border:1px solid #ccc;float:left;margin:1px 1px;
  font:normal normal 12px/1.4 Segoe,"Segoe UI",Arial,Sans-Serif;
.image-details {height:280px;border:5px solid white;background-color:#ffc;
  transition:margin-top .4s ease-out .4s;
.image-container img {
  width:280px;height:280px;padding:0 0;margin:0 0;border:none;outline:none;max-width:none;
.image-details h4,
.image-details p {
  margin:0 0 .2em;padding:0 0;height:70px;
.image-details h4 {
.image-details .details {
  padding:10px 12px;overflow:hidden;

.image-details .more {
  text-align:center;font-weight:bold;background-color:#f9a;height:26px;line-height:26px;margin:10px 0 0;

.image-box:hover {border-color:#bbb; width:280px;
.image-box:hover .image-container {margin-top:-160px}
.image-details .more:hover {background-color:black}

<div class="image-box-wrapper" id="image-box-wrapper">
 <div class="image-box">
  <div class="image-container">
   <img width="280" height="280" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjiN-iJxRUurTntWm-hCWQjmrD7yMxEfsLAfrMmsIZ7FgJsXCPv3vLRMc-q5ifvSk063fKGFD-uy6rwjdUu0R0lbojSWGG43SWM9uT5urAcMD1PvVwxg2N1jgWJHCGeSObitTLrVotcjfc/s1600/3.jpg" alt="Food">
  <div class="image-details">
   <div class="details">
    <h4>Lorem Ipsum</h4>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy...</p>
    <p><a class="more" href="Post Link ">More</a></p>

 <div style="clear:both;"></div>


7. Ahora Guarda HTML/Javascript'.


Thursday, May 30, 2013

How Made Round and Augmented Avatars in Blogger

I've always tried to have a good design in my comments and now with the new nested comments CSS inadequacies all I had in my comments but thank God the CSS is wonderful and I've slowly been rebuilding and between those Rebuilding this the increase in size the avatar and change it so that by default is 36 * 36px and square but with a bit of CSS can be increased to 50px and put it round.

With the hack today I present the avatars remain as follows:

To add this trick WILL NEED paste before]]> </ b: skin> the following:

.avatar-image-container img{
 max-width:50px !important;
 width:50px !important;
 max-height:50px !important;
 height:50px !important;
 padding: 0 !important;

With the above code will increase the size of the avatar to 50px, clarification you can increase even more the size of the avatar but it is highly recommended.

Now if you want round avatars paste before]]> </ b: skin> the following:

.avatar-image-container img {
 max-width: 50px !important;
 width: 50px !important;
 max-height: 50px !important;
 height: 50px !important;
 padding: 0 !important;
 border: 0px;
 -webkit-border-radius: 999px;
 -moz-border-radius: 999px;
 border-radius: 999px;

 border:3px solid #fff !important;
 -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px #BBB;
 -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px #BBB;
 box-shadow: 0 1px 2px #BBB;

As time is very easy, I hope this little trick pleases you and use it.
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How Add your Own Emoticons to your Blog

Many bloggers looking to add emoticons to your blog, but this depends on blogs bloggers help to put emoticons in their blogs but today I will teach you how to add your own emoticons to your blogs.
The following code is for the script we use to make the call emoticon to blog:

*/ function emoticonComentario() { if(!document.getElementById) {return;} // no soportado bodyText = document.getElementById('comments'); emoticon = bodyText.innerHTML; // <b style="color: red;">:)</b> :-) :-] emoticon = emoticon.replace(/:\)/g,'&lt;img src="<span style="color: #0b5394;">http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/smile.gif</span>" /&gt;'); emoticon = emoticon.replace(/:-\)/g,'&lt;img src="<span style="color: #0b5394;">http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/smile.gif</span>" /&gt;'); emoticon = emoticon.replace(/:-\]/g,'&lt;img src="<span style="color: #0b5394;">http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/smile.gif</span>" /&gt;'); // <b><span style="color: red;">X(</span></b> emoticon = emoticon.replace(/X\(/g,'&lt;img src="<span style="color: #0b5394;">http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/tongue.gif</span>" /&gt;'); // :cool: emoticon = emoticon.replace(/:cool:/g,'&lt;img src="http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/wink.gif" /&gt;'); // :cry: emoticon = emoticon.replace(/:cry:/g,'&lt;img src="http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/laugh.gif" /&gt;'); // :blaf: emoticon = emoticon.replace(/:blaf:/g,'&lt;img src="http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/frown.gif" /&gt;'); // :winky: emoticon = emoticon.replace(/:winky:/g,'&lt;img src="http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/thumbup.gif" /&gt;'); // :noo: emoticon = emoticon.replace(/:noo:/g,'&lt;img src="http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/blush.gif" /&gt;'); // :twisted: emoticon = emoticon.replace(/:twisted:/g,'&lt;img src="http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/byebye.gif" /&gt;');

 What is in blue corresponds to the URL of the emoticon, that's where you put the URL of your emoticon (in the first part of the code you have to repeat the URL of the image 3 times, from now on you'll just have to put the URL only once).

What is in red corresponds to the code to be used in comments to display the emoticon.

Then save the file in a text editor (eg Notepad) with extension Js and upload it to a hosting like Dropbox or Google Sites, there give you the URL and you'll have to paste before </ body> following the following structure.

 <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<script src='URL of File .JS' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>

 With this we will have ready the emoticons but now we need to show a list of emoticons that readers can use them.

 <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div class='divspoiler'>
<img onclick='if (this.parentNode.nextSibling.childNodes[0].style.display != &apos;&apos;) { this.parentNode.nextSibling.childNodes[0].style.display = &apos;&apos;; } else { this.parentNode.nextSibling.childNodes[0].style.display = &apos;none&apos;;}' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjeFgk72GWnsGBZPExzStse4M293jl83kqH8uyCZj0lQj6FYPouo-UOt0ghzM8ppJ9EKMC-y7b_5ekKzHeLf18svK46Jz3DgOmrQjQevG2bkVQNE4bdRJCyDGNrwYNMtDJOyoypG_emnsI/s1600/Sin+t%C3%ADtulo-1.png'/>
</div><div><div class='spoiler' style='display: none;'>
<div class='comment-content' id='bc_0_1MC'>
<img src='http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/smile.gif'/> :) <img src='http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/tongue.gif'/> X( <img src='http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/wink.gif'/> :cool: <img src='http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/laugh.gif'/> :cry: <img src='http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/frown.gif'/>  :blaf: <img src='http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/thumbup.gif'/> :winky: <img src='http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/blush.gif'/> :noo: <img src='http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/byebye.gif'/> :twisted: <img src='http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/clapping.gif'/>:D <img src='http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/wow.gif'/> :oops: <img src='http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/help.gif'/> :? <img src='http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/devil.gif'/> :F
<img src='http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/wub.gif'/> :alaba: <img src='http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/cry.gif'/>:lpmqtp: <img src='http://static.mobile9.com/bbcode/smileys/thumbdown.gif'/> :idiot:</div>


What this highlighted in green is the URL of the emoticon and what is in pink is the code of the emoticon.

The above code WILL NEED paste it below

<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>

 With this we have finished the tutorial and you will ready your emoticons, I hope they have been helpful.

Change the Navigation links for the Title Post On Blogger

The navigation links are listed at the end of the entrance and say: Check latest Post, Post Older, although very useful, would be more useful instead of appearing these links appear the title of the post, this will undoubtedly attract more visitors.

This is just what I'm going to teach today, as changing these links and put in place the title of the Post.



To add this trick to your blog, go to Template, Edit HTML and paste before </ head> the following:

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script>

Now go to Design, Add Gadget, and HTML / JavaScript paste the following:

 <script type="text/javascript">
var newerLink = $("a.blog-pager-newer-link").attr("href");
$("a.blog-pager-newer-link").load(newerLink+" .post-title:first", function() {
var newerLinkTitle = $("a.blog-pager-newer-link:first").text();
$("a.blog-pager-newer-link").text("<< " + newerLinkTitle);
var olderLink = $("a.blog-pager-older-link").attr("href");
$("a.blog-pager-older-link").load(olderLink+" .post-title:first", function() {
var olderLinkTitle = $("a.blog-pager-older-link").text();
$("a.blog-pager-older-link").text(olderLinkTitle + " >>");//rgt
</script><style type="text/css">
#blog-pager{font-family: Arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 14px;}#blog-pager-newer-link {font-size:85%;width:200px;text-align:left;}#blog-pager-older-link {font-size:85%;width:200px;text-align:right;}</style>

With this last step ended the trick, and you've added this great trick to your blog
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Elegant subscription Widget for Blogger

blogger widgets
Hi! While surfing the web I found this subscription widget that looks very stylish for our blog.
I will explain how to add this subscription box for blogger with social icons.hope.
Using this, users can subscribe to your blog. So, help you get the new updates by email. This Widget CSS.

Let's put on our blog .........

1. As usual we will Design >> Add a Gadget >> HTML / JavaScript.
Then add this code:

#sidebar-subscribe-box{width:300px;border:1px solid #aaa;border-radius:3px;padding:3px 0}
 .sidebar-subscribe-box-wrapper{background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgMmyTDgtOdL8IgOorVRKUMpnod-72KBvlso9tZ50-7hyphenhyphenQWZFhm_wY_al0TRnHiWG5dz2_ZVDNkY8YuMgNEMzkayJytj11ElvUG-inGHfXNUx-0pqkjMEFqBi0RCdPzSR2-i7ENheGo4J0/s1600/background.png) repeat scroll 0 0 #f7f7f7;color:#111;font-size:14px;line-height:20px;padding:1px 20px 10px;text-align:center;text-transform:uppercase}
 .sidebar-subscribe-box-form{clear:both;display:block;margin:10px 0}form.sidebar-subscribe-box-form{clear:both;display:block;margin:10px 0 0;width:auto}
 .sidebar-subscribe-box-email-field{-moz-border-radius:4px;-webkit-border-radius:4px;background:#fff url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiqhzMuzuSmy9L6qiCj0vZR2ud3ffZleTCUUyf2IJegjQ1sl5Qov1FHFIsTXw_zxLnjTyvCJqSmXN7uZTn189PuMtBhk1istSRxbwf886sgQh9qTjVs3rKFWTRaDAJw1M80EPkeCBVRoO4/s1600/icons.png) no-repeat 0 -27px;border:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:4px;color:#444;margin:0 0 15px;padding:10px 40px;width:68%}
 .sidebar-subscribe-box-email-button{background:#09f;border:1px solid #007fff;box-shadow:0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.3) inset, 0 1px 0 transparent;color:#fff;cursor:pointer;font-family:verdana;font-weight:700;padding:10px;text-shadow:1px 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.4);text-transform:uppercase;width:100%}
 .sidebar-subscribe-box-email-button:active{-moz-box-shadow:0 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.5) inset;-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.5) inset;box-shadow:0 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.5) inset;outline:0}iframe,object,embed,.yt-border iframe,.yt-border object,.yt-border embed,table{width:100%}embed{border-radius:3px;-moz-box-shadow:0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);-webkit-box-shadow:0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);background:#FFF;border:1px solid #ddd;box-shadow:0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);margin:0;padding:4px 4px 4px}
 #footer-section{border-top:1px solid #aaa;box-shadow:inset 0 4px 6px -3px #aaa;font-family:cambria;font-size:14px;height:100px;margin:10px -30px 5px;padding:0 30px;text-align:center;width:100%}
a.social-icons{margin-right: 5px;height:45px;width:45px;}
a.social-icons:hover { opacity: .7; filter:alpha(opacity=70);}
<div id="sidebar-subscribe-box">
<div class="sidebar-subscribe-box-wrapper">
<a class="social-icons" href="https://facebook.com/my_page"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgPZfnYo1VFGaCykq185tgoKm-gjIxjBQGml9VjFLwkj5PiVWfaGUh-2Snxq4b70tWuz_RIOTukHhuyKEG5ubctMqsNiXCVVomJ-a2kkM19Xdqa6r-NJRA-NLeDvRWa2jjS3d1J_kaKG5m1/s1600/Bloggertrix-facebook.png" /></a><a class="social-icons" href="https://twitter.com/my_user"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhK92_sL91bURJks3y2YAPoxzv4clutke3TKzQutMSj7cO5nuC5GhniYFmSHnza5d6xXm_IhY2rzSlAwKpSmNs6lkf5mAwaCH2sK0QkYgu2t_SUxi4ZP1_RBAhardvdWM6A6xNfZ3pAPQKV/s1600/bloggertrix-twitter.png" /></a><a class="social-icons" href="https://plus.google.com/mi_User"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgrF3jp91jXnrOdRbIuMuJ0Pi8FqUCaBsnp4H44e4LLhSHlh6sG9CfBYj03V5vZAaBqDw_do6k9K4qUbQBEGLemJOr_v8jCxaWCQ1x205aYDK8dX9su2p0PdkT7WHt8oCRglL34aIdZaF_q/s1600/Bloggertrix-Googleplus.png" /></a><a class="social-icons" href="http://www.feedburner.com/my_feed_id"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEipVIscG5-vJg8jj00vvNHc2H7W-kefZTCGuNJ8_qJo3X14UzRirfPb9AYF2LSAobql3U-uu62yf8lY31_9UBLBLRDpWHqtUGwZeVE9C9MUF0wI_jX5ZpVfTMDXCQxOq0KAa7BMtNmtmfep/s1600/Bloggertrix-Rss.png" /></a><p>Subscribe To Our Email Newsletter & Receive Updates Free</p>
<div class="sidebar-subscribe-box-form"><form action="http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=id_Feed" class="sidebar-subscribe-box-form" method="post" onsubmit="window.open('http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=your_id_Feedburner', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true" target="popupwindow"><input name="uri" type="hidden" value="bloggertrix" /><input name="loc" type="hidden" value="en_US" /><input class="sidebar-subscribe-box-email-field" name="email" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Enter your email address here"/><input class="sidebar-subscribe-box-email-button" title="" type="submit" value="Subscribe Now !" /></form>

Two. Replaces everything was blue and ready for your data.

- You can change where it says: Enter your email address here for what you want.
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The Trick Of Snowflakes falling on the blog

Many bloggers want to get their blogs according to the style of the time, so that is why today I wanted to share a trick with the snow fall will you do on your blog.

This trick is very light so do not overburden your blog, the trick you can see it running in the next blog.

To add this trick to your blog, so you just paste into a HTML Element / JavaScript the following code:
<script type="text/javascript">
// Nieve en el blog
/** @license
DHTML Snowstorm! JavaScript-based Snow for web pages
Version 1.42.20111120 (Previous rev: 1.41.20101113)
Copyright (c) 2007, Scott Schiller. All rights reserved.
Code provided under the BSD License:
var snowStorm=function(e,d){function g(a,d){isNaN(d)&&(d=0);return Math.random()*a+d}function o(){e.setTimeout(function(){a.start(true)},20);a.events.remove(i?d:e,"mousemove",o)}function r(){if(!a.excludeMobile||!s)a.freezeOnBlur?a.events.add(i?d:e,"mousemove",o):o();a.events.remove(e,"load",r)}this.flakesMax=128;this.flakesMaxActive=64;this.animationInterval=40;this.excludeMobile=true;this.flakeBottom=null;this.followMouse=true;this.snowColor="#ffffff";this.snowCharacter="&bull;";this.snowStick=true;
this.targetElement=null;this.useMeltEffect=true;this.usePositionFixed=this.useTwinkleEffect=false;this.freezeOnBlur=true;this.flakeRightOffset=this.flakeLeftOffset=0;this.flakeHeight=this.flakeWidth=8;this.vMaxX=5;this.vMaxY=4;this.zIndex=0;var a=this,y=this,i=navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i),z=navigator.userAgent.match(/msie 6/i),A=navigator.appVersion.match(/windows 98/i),s=navigator.userAgent.match(/mobile/i),B=i&&d.compatMode==="BackCompat",t=s||B||z,h=null,k=null,j=null,m=null,u=null,v=null,
p=1,n=false,q;a:{try{d.createElement("div").style.opacity="0.5"}catch(C){q=false;break a}q=true}var w=false,x=d.createDocumentFragment();this.timers=[];this.flakes=[];this.active=this.disabled=false;this.meltFrameCount=20;this.meltFrames=[];this.events=function(){function a(b){var b=f.call(b),c=b.length;l?(b[1]="on"+b[1],c>3&&b.pop()):c===3&&b.push(false);return b}function d(a,c){var e=a.shift(),f=[b[c]];if(l)e[f](a[0],a[1]);else e[f].apply(e,a)}var l=!e.addEventListener&&e.attachEvent,f=Array.prototype.slice,
b={add:l?"attachEvent":"addEventListener",remove:l?"detachEvent":"removeEventListener"};return{add:function(){d(a(arguments),"add")},remove:function(){d(a(arguments),"remove")}}}();this.randomizeWind=function(){var c;c=g(a.vMaxX,0.2);u=parseInt(g(2),10)===1?c*-1:c;v=g(a.vMaxY,0.2);if(this.flakes)for(c=0;c<this.flakes.length;c++)this.flakes[c].active&&this.flakes[c].setVelocities()};this.scrollHandler=function(){var c;m=a.flakeBottom?0:parseInt(e.scrollY||d.documentElement.scrollTop||d.body.scrollTop,
function(){h=a.targetElement.offsetLeft+a.targetElement.offsetWidth-a.flakeRightOffset;j=a.flakeBottom?a.flakeBottom:a.targetElement.offsetTop+a.targetElement.offsetHeight;k=parseInt(h/2,10)};this.freeze=function(){var c;if(a.disabled)return false;else a.disabled=1;for(c=a.timers.length;c--;)clearInterval(a.timers[c])};this.resume=function(){if(a.disabled)a.disabled=0;else return false;a.timerInit()};this.toggleSnow=function(){a.flakes.length?(a.active=!a.active,a.active?(a.show(),a.resume()):(a.stop(),
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"0px";b.o.style.fontSize=b.fontSize+"px";b.o.style.lineHeight=a.flakeHeight+2+"px";b.o.style.textAlign="center";b.o.style.verticalAlign="baseline";b.x=parseInt(g(h-a.flakeWidth-20),10);b.y=parseInt(g(j)*-1,10)-a.flakeHeight;b.refresh();b.o.style.display="block";b.active=1};this.recycle();this.refresh()};this.snow=function(){for(var c=0,d=0,e=0,f=null,f=a.flakes.length;f--;)a.flakes[f].active===1?(a.flakes[f].move(),c++):a.flakes[f].active===0?d++:e++,a.flakes[f].melting&&a.flakes[f].melt();if(c<a.flakesMaxActive&&
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3),setInterval(a.snow,a.animationInterval)]};this.init=function(){var c;for(c=0;c<a.meltFrameCount;c++)a.meltFrames.push(1-c/a.meltFrameCount);a.randomizeWind();a.createSnow(a.flakesMax);a.events.add(e,"resize",a.resizeHandler);a.events.add(e,"scroll",a.scrollHandler);a.freezeOnBlur&&(i?(a.events.add(d,"focusout",a.freeze),a.events.add(d,"focusin",a.resume)):(a.events.add(e,"blur",a.freeze),a.events.add(e,"focus",a.resume)));a.resizeHandler();a.scrollHandler();a.followMouse&&a.events.add(i?d:e,"mousemove",
a.mouseMove);a.animationInterval=Math.max(20,a.animationInterval);a.timerInit()};this.start=function(c){if(w){if(c)return true}else w=true;if(typeof a.targetElement==="string"&&(c=a.targetElement,a.targetElement=d.getElementById(c),!a.targetElement))throw Error('Snowstorm: Unable to get targetElement "'+c+'"');if(!a.targetElement)a.targetElement=!i?d.documentElement?d.documentElement:d.body:d.body;if(a.targetElement!==d.documentElement&&a.targetElement!==d.body)a.resizeHandler=a.resizeHandlerAlt;
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Now just have to save the changes and you will finish this. The trick will look much better in a dark blog
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How put the Trick of Infinite Scroll On Blogger

One of the new ways of loading a website or blog, is the infinite scroll, which consists in that as you go down the content of a blog, but it will go automatically loading content thus eliminating the need of having to click on the links page.

This trick will give the reader a much more enjoyable and interactive, as this system is used by sites from the likes of Facebook or Twitter.

To add the scroll trick, no need to touch the template, just go to Design, Add Gadget, HTML / JavaScript, and there paste the following:

     src='http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.1.min.js' <script type='text/javascript'> </ script>
     src='http://yourjavascript.com/4153098131/infinite-scroll-for-blogger-blogs.js' <script type='text/javascript'/> </ script>

Now it only remains to save the changes, and enjoy this great trick :)

You can see a demo the trick. I hope you have enjoyed this great trick.

How to host the template scripts On Blogger

This is an interesting topic because any blogger who wants to place a scripts can not do directly in Blogger but it's up to use external services such as Google Sites or Dropbox, but there is a Trick to accommodate the scripts directly in the template.

To add the script in the template there are two ways:

The first is to add it directly in the template for that go to Layout> Edit HTML and before paste the following:

     <script type='text/javascript'>
     / / <! [CDATA [
     contents of the script ... ...
     / /]]>
     </ script>

To know what the contents of the script paste the URL of the script in the address bar of your browser, enter and you give will get a page full of codes and these codes are what you paste into the template where it says script contents.
But you can also download the file, then save it and open it with notepad and content displayed paste it into your template.

You can also host scripts as you this gadget for Design-> Page Elements-> Add a Gadget-> HTML / Javascript and paste the following:

     <script type='text/javascript'>
     contents of the script ... ...
     </ script>

To paste the contents of the script follow the above steps already explained.

With this we hosted the scripts hosted on our staff and our blog load a bit faster, but keep in mind that this will serve only for some cases because there will be some scripts that if you will have to stay in outside services.
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How Get your Domain. Tk free Blogger

Today I will talk about a great alternative for those bloggers who are tired of the long URL of your blogs such as blogspot.com and want your own domain without paying anything and that is domain. Tk.

Dot TK is a service free domain redirects. You can redirect your blog, your Twitter account, your Facebook, your profile, in short, everything you want.
Steps to get the domain

1. Ready-to-Dot TK and enter the URL you want to redirect, for example: http://nombre-de-mi-blog.blogspot.com/.
Two. Then will appear the name given redirect, such as: name-of-my-blog.tk.
Three. Then choose the plan you want can be anonymously which will give the domain for 30 days but if you register you will have services such as mail forwarding, traffic management and promotion of your website.

With the last option the domain expires in 90 days if you have not had 25 visits but no big problem.

No more to say here I leave this great option at your available.
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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How to Create A Business Fan Page On Facebook

It is true that Facebook is a temptation for anyone, even for a freelancer or SME, go if it is ... more than 500 million registered users, of which about 14 million live in Spain or in other words 29% of Spanish population has a Facebook profile (data from May 2011).

The other day a friend told me ... Hey! That we are on Facebook!, Referring to his store. I know that behind this initiative no marketing plan or goals, or anything like that. The step has been taken, whatever the trigger that prompted him to do so, the company of my friend is now on Facebook. Right now this is what counts, period.

Come if you like to go over some points that are essential to understand before taking this step.

    Do not mistake one profile with a Fan Page (Fan Pages).
    The Facebook Fan Pages are created for:
        Place or Local Business
        Company, organization or institution
        Brand or Product
        Artist, band or public figure
        Cause or Community
    The profile is for people and aims to find friends, share photos of parties and others. Used to find out what your friends want you to find out and why not say, to gossip a little.
    The High-Profile form ie a person, ask date of birth, name, sex ... this is not data specific to a brand or company right?
    A Fan Page is a more corporate, no friends, there are fans.
    A Fan page, used to communicate with the followers of your business, for example to advertise new products, special offers, etc..
    Setting permissions and privacy is much simpler in Fan Pages in the profiles.
    The content of Fan Pages are indexed by Google, the contents of the Profiles no.
    Of course your friends may be fans of your business page, but on the wall of your company will not see messages such as "Mario is now friends with Mary"
    Use this form to register your company, brand, business or your musical group on Facebook.

My recommendations:

    If you are adding your business on Facebook does not use the same email account with which they walk into your personal profile, use another.
    Once you have created the fan page, fill in the basic information tab. With a description of your business, do not forget the timing, location map, etc..
    The logo is essential.
    Respond to all comments you come through the wall of your page.
    Use straightforward language and close to communicate with your followers.
    It offers quality information ... offers, new campaigns, etc.. This is what will make a difference with respect to competition, which incidentally is also on Facebook.

Some marketing:

    Your initial goal is to make your brand more people know her as well as loyalty.
    When you are able to reach 25 fans, you can put a logical username to your Fan Page, for example www.facebook.com / andante772. Meanwhile you have is a url rather complex and difficult to communicate to customers of your store.
    When you have your username use it on your bills, your communication by mail, in your radio ads, on the label of your business, cars, etc..
    A good trick is to think that where post advertisements for the phone number of your business must also address the Facebook page.
    If you have a blog you must pair it with your Facebook page, this way it will post on the blog to Facebook automatically.
    If you have a website should be well placed the link to the Facebook page.
   Think that Facebook is a new way of communication with your customers and followers, therefore this condition the maximum squeezing.
    Inside your business, make visible this new Facebook address for customers who visit you.

Postscript. Unfortunately my friend created a profile and not a fan page for your company, is going more work than necessary and also its content will not be found by Google, to see what I say ... or better ... read it here. But ... branded tachaaann! Recommended readings have a link that explains how to convert a profile to a fan page!

Video Tutorial:

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The Five key Elements that can not miss in your blog

For a moment let's get instead of those who visit our blog. What elements need to quickly find the blog? What do we offer?
This post also aims to serve as a guide so you can improve each section, begin!
share elements
Share Items to share the content of the post
If your post is interesting, the reader will want to share with your followers on social networks. You can not miss buttons Tweet, Like and Google +. Other options that you might like to analyze are Addthis or Sharedthis


elements of blogsElements to access information related
At the end of the post should provide related content, to ensure that whoever you choose to continue reading visit and in the best cases continue sharing. For example, tag your post, offers other related post thumbnails or links to other articles with the same label, post links with other words and / or your blog gives a table of contents.


elements to follow on blogElements to follow
If someone decides to share the content of your blog, you may want to follow in order to be aware of other publications. You can offer eg email follow through twitter (follow), through Facebook (fans) through Google + or via RSS (have a gadget for it or via FeedBurner).


elements of blogElements to facilitate direct communication
It is possible that your reader wants to express an opinion post through comments, want you to receive a private message through a contact form or ask a question directly via live chat.


blog contentPromotion of content elements
Think follower today who do not be aware of the post created last week, therefore promoted through social media content of your blog that is still valid. View article on Community Manager. Remember that you can automate your blog posts on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin with TwitterFeed

As always, I invite you to use comments to leave your opinion on this article. If you liked this post and want to be anywhere else, follow me via Facebook, Twitter, subscribe by email, Google Friend, RSS now also on Google +. Use social buttons at the bottom of the post to recommend it to your friends. Grace

Creating a business page on Google+ and get badge for blog

At the beginning of the month of November 2011, Google opened the possibility that companies and brands to create your Google+ page. Until then, only allowed discharge of personal profiles. If you have a business, brand, company, or other musical group, it's time to have your own page on Google+.

Some time ago I wrote an article called "A company has no friends, has fans" and tried not to fall into the mistake of creating a personal profile to manage our brand presence on Facebook.

Now with Google+, and although it is mandatory to have a personal profile to create and manage a brand page (not in Facebook), which subsequently we empower our followers, customers, etc.. page is not marked as such profile that aims administration.

You should see the following video where you can see how a user added to his circles to a company that sells and repairs bicycles ZEN Bikes. The company uses Google+ page to announce not only their news but also as a meeting place with your customers with pictures of activities, hangouts (video conference), suggestion box, etc..

The strategy that Google poses to our business, is based on three pillars. The first is sharing, there is no doubt that this new space represents all a platform to share photos, videos, milestones and all we want to communicate the business. The second is to let you know by logos (logos) to be recognized by your followers and customers and aims to take you to your Google+ page. Finally measure ... and it's not easy to know the impact on our fans and customers, so Google is planning to offer in the future statistics on the use of your Google+ page

Steps to create your Google+ brand page and put a logo on blog

Step 1. Create a Page on Google+

     Sign in to Google+ for businesses and click on Create a page on Google+
     You must have already previously created a personal profile, otherwise you will give you high.
     Once inside you will see a screen like the one show below:

google plusSelect the button to the left (categories) that best defines your company brand. Depending on what you choose will ask certain data. Click the Create button to register your site
    In the next step will ask you to personalize the page with your company logo and a slogan.

Step 2. Get your insigna

    When your page is created, you will see a welcome page
    Click Get Badge (recommended) or accessed through this link you prefer on this link and then put the ID of your page if it appears empty. More info here
    Choose the type of logo that you like, I chose the large icon
    Copy the code to put on the blog now

Step 3. Add your insginia in Blog (Blogger)

    Open the tab "Design"
    In the sidebar select "Add New Gadget".
    A list, choose the one that says "HTML / Javascript".
    In content, paste the code obtained above.
    Save the template and view the blog.
    Remember that you can move the gadget to place it in the desired location.

How do I manage the new page on Google+?

When you enter your personal profile on Google+, you will see a dropdown to the left under your name from which you manage your pages.

How do I publish blog content on the new page on Google+?
So far I know of no service that links the publication of new blog posts to your Google+ page. So you should copy the url of the post that you happen to Google+ and paste it in the text box on your page News Google+

Post. In my case I have a personal profile and now a brand page, so far I have not seen a mechanism to migrate profile followers of the page.

We invite you to visit my Google+ page by clicking here or on the badge for you right.

As always, I invite you to use comments to leave your opinion on this article. If you liked this post and want to be anywhere else, follow me via Facebook, Twitter, subscribe by email, Google Friend, RSS now also on Google +. Use social buttons at the bottom of the post to recommend it to your friends. Thank you!
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Google Chrome Extensions to be More Productive on Blogger

google chrome
google chrome (Photo credit: toprankonlinemarketing)
According to Wikipedia productivity can be defined as "the relationship between the results and the time we spend to get it." In this post, we'll dip into those extensions for Google Chrome browser, allowing us to just that, save time in the management and administration of our blog and therefore be more productive.

The first is recommend you use the Google Chrome browser, for several reasons. The first is that with Google Chrome get greater compatibility with Google services and more now with the new changes in services since many of them are based on HTML5 and CSS3. The second and most important, the "Extensions" which are nothing more or less that additional functionality can be built into the browser itself.

The most practical way to approach this article is pintándote few everyday situations to see if you identify with any of them.

"I lose a lot of time looking for a way to access Google services"
Managing a blog is challenging, we have to go into Google Analytics to see statistics, then we will see if we have Gmail for email, respond to blog comments, etc.. We entered Blogger to also see statistics, compose new post ah ... and from time to time we look at our piggy bank called Google Adsense to see if we have some income from advertising, not to forget where we annotations Google Docs, Calendar, etc..

Google Shortcuts is a browser extension that offers access Google services (160) that most interest us with a simple click. Once installed you just have to look for services, click to add them to the list. Remember that you can manage your extensions from menu Tools -> Extensions or put in the browser address bar this chrome :/ / extensions /

"I lose a lot of time on my social networks to share the same information"
Besides that we have linked our blog with Facebook or Twitter you may be interested in publishing a link to specific input in order to re-promote it. So it is very common to have to go on Twiiter, Facebook, Linkld to post the same.

Sharedaholic, lets share links on your social networks. You can configure it to show you only the social networks that interest you. Now just copy the url of your post and click on this button to send it to all the social networks you've previously configured.

"I lose a lot of time writing down links to pages to read later."
It happened to you that you are preparing a new post for your blog and find the documentation phase reference articles and enter to Gmail or Google Docs simply to copy the URL of the article to read later.

Read Later Fast, allowed once on the item you click the right mouse button and press the Read later (see below). When you have time, open the browser and click on a new tab, press the Read application later and get access to items previously marked.

"I lose a lot of time getting to Gmail just to check if I have new messages."
Those expecting an important message and are continually checking your inbox and anything that does not come.

Gmail Checker shows you in the browser bar icon with the number of unread messages. Now you know in advance that you have something pending in your inbox.

"I like to be aware of the particulars of my Twitter"
If anything characterizes Twitter is the immediacy of information. It may interest you at all times monitor this network without having to be changing in the browser tab.

Silver Bird is a lightweight Twitter client for Chrome, so like Gmail Checker alerts you to tweets that mention you, besides letting you tweet directly

"I have to be continually capturing screens, cropping ..."
Indeed, when you write a tutorial on a web service, you lose a lot of time on this task.

Capture and Annotate allows you to capture all or part of the browser window, annotate and store the result in a PNG or even host the file on the web.

Here we mention the most common extensions that usually work with. There are thousands of extensions, both free and paid. Connect with Google Web Store to find more extensions for your browser.

Conclusions, extensions for Google Chrome help us save time and are therefore more productive, allowing us to focus on what really matters, the creation of new content on the blog.

As always, I invite you to use comments to leave your opinion on this article. If you liked this post and want to be anywhere else, follow me via Facebook, Twitter, subscribe by email, Google Friend, RSS now also on Google +. Use social buttons at the bottom of the post to recommend it to your friends. Thank you!
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Monday, May 6, 2013

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? ... No, it's ... Superpost!

Knowing who your Superpost has many advantages for achieving new goals in your blog. What is the most visited post of the blog?, Why a post gets more visits than others in Blogger?, Are questions that will clarify in this article.

When you take a reasonable time to your blog (6 months and up) is a good time to pull the statistics and know what post gets more hits, ie you know your Superpost. Keep in mind that a Superpost is the hardest working post on your blog, is one that attracts more visitors and therefore must pamper and care.
How to discover your Superpost?
Let's find out who your Superpost, for that follow these steps.

    Go to the tab Statistics
    Click the button at any time
    Now you have to display statistics from the beginning of the blog activity
    Y. .. presto! Your Superpost is .... the first in the list of Inputs section

Look as is the second, if you have similar figures is possible that you get a second Superpost, but if you see that the third is very close to the best we are facing a case of false Superpost so you should give more time to your blog , and recheck the same thing in another 6 months. To give you an idea, my Superpost has more than 24,000 visits a year and a half. The second order of visits reached 14,000 visits and 12,000 visits third. Therefore, the first is a clear example of Superpost.
I know who my Superpost what now?
Below is a list of 10 tips to help you make your Superpost.

    Back to reread, improves overall writing
    Say hello to your readers, you know that many come through Superpost!
    Will get invites readers to follow explicitly through social networks
    You can invite you to subscribe to your newsletter by eMail
    Invite him to discover new content on your blog with links to strategic
    Add a picture or enhances existing
    Add an update at the bottom
    Better formatted text in bold, titles, etc..
    Improving the keywords in the first paragraph, but beware as this first paragraph has been included in the rankings.
    Invites to share the input using the social buttons

Why a post is more visited than others?
The first thing that has happened is that you've hit the nail, ie words of the title, the url of the post and the first paragraph of that contains keywords that are in high demand and popular on the Internet. If you want to delve into this issue, look at this another Article 10 SEO Tips to position each Post in Blogger.

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What is Buffer and how to combine it with Blogger

Buffer is a service that allows you to store the notifications you cast from your blog to your social channels (Twitter, Linkedin or Facebook) for publication following is a schedule. In this article I give the keys to combine it with Blogger.

 One of the tasks as bloggers have to consider, is to promote not only the new post, but the above, as long as they maintain in full force and interest. In my case, what I did was open my post and click the Twitter button. Of course, not knowing if it was the best time or the best time. Also I did not like suddenly Tweet 3 or 4 items. So finally it was all a bit random and not follow a specific pattern. For me it has been a great discovery and I encourage you to implement it in your daily make as a blogger.

What is the idea?
The idea is simple. We continue by clicking on the Twitter button as if we were to publish but instead of "Tweet", Buffer will press the button, so that is not published at the time, but following a schedule and based on previous stock you have on Tweets for launch from Buffer. Ideally, go fill your Buffer and make 1 full week.

If you have the Twitter button you can also send your post to Buffer using the right mouse button, or by a new icon that will display in your browser to read it.

What does BUFFER against direct notification to your followers?

As I said before, Buffer is as a collector of the notifications you want to convey to your followers on Twitter, Facebook or Linkedin. Instead of launching a direct notification, it is stored to be launched following a few hours a day. Of course not everything has to go through the buffer, you can continue to report to your followers, as has been done so far. Remember to sync your new publications with your social channels can use IFTTT (recommended) or TwitterFeed.

Keys to combine Buffer with Blogger
Buffer register and Configuration

    Sign in BufferApp, creating a new account or using Twitter, Facebook or Linkedin
    Connect with your different accounts Buffer
    Click where it says Settings at the top to access the calendar
    Choose your social channel and now you can configure which days of the week and what time throw your notifications. (See this screen)

Install Buffer extension for your web browser

    Browser extension for Google Chrome (recommended)
    FireFox browser extension (from the extras of Buffer)
    Sailed Extension for Opera

"Buffea" your first post using the Twitter button
Do the usual, ie see a post and click on your button Twitter. Just click it and watch you Buffer button appears next to the button for Twitter. To add to Buffer should indicate by what account (Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn) you release it (may be three).

Now just send the Buffer tickets that you want to promote during the week, so that you have more time to new content, pending comments or simply respond sports, lol.

Install Buffer on your SMARTHPHONE
The mobile application allows you to share with Buffer any web address you're visiting. Plus you have access to your schedule can view the status of Buffer and statistics of each notification released. I have it installed and check the soil often.

    Buffer app for iPhone, iPad
    Buffer app for Android (Google Play)

How to know what time notify my followers?
This is the big question. What we want is that the impact of our notice have more effect. This is achieved notice in those times of the day where you have more active followers. For this statistics online services are able to provide this data. Furthermore, these services can automatically set Buffer schedule adjusting those hours more active followers.

    Tweriod (very easy)
    SocialBro (Chrome extension)

Did you know BUFFER? Do you're using? Do you see it practical?
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Unlearns to Blogging. 10 tips for you

blogger tips

There is nothing worse than not question things and keep doing them as long as mechanically. I propose this exercise, in which you stand to analyze the time, the state of your blog and the way you've done things so far. Ultimately we unlearn to relearn from scratch, for this we will touch 10 points I think are important.

10 tips where you unlearn blogging

1. Worry about the loading speed of your blog
The loading speed of your blog is crucial for positioning. A slow blog is a blog that will be positioned wrong, regardless of content. This may or I had raised (yet). I have returned to iniciaBlog somenter this test in order to improve this parameter. I removed items and I have questioned others, the result is important. One way to know how long it takes your blog is to use GTMetrix also invite you to read this post tips and resources verlocidad optimize your blog to find more resources. You are about to conclude that what was important to you and your blog will not be much when you see what it takes to load.

Two. Go over again the title, description and the slogan blog
Possibly wearing time without changing these sections. It's a good time to rethink your slogan, description of your blog and even the title. By now you have very well defined your blog concept. In my case I can assure you that these aspects have changed more than 5 times in two years. What are Metatags and what are the most important to Blogger is the post that will help in this regard. My latest achievement in this area is positioned at the top iniciaBlog looking for help Blogger. Remember that these issues are usually medium term impact and require monitoring. You are about to conclude how little you were successful with the title of your blog.

Three. Review the image of your blog, logo or profile picture
You've been dragging the same image from the beginning?, Do not you think it is high time to renew the look of your blog. If the image of your blog is based on a logo, simpre can improve it. I've renovated and have adjusted the slogan again. Not if you've thought or not but maybe the picture you want for your blog as your personal image (see this example). I know it's difficult to deal with professional tools like Photoshop, but perhaps reading Your blog needs a logo, you can discover some tools. The other thing you ask is quieria long are you going to keep writing on a napkin in your blog address to give to your friend? You'll reach the conclusion that it was not so complicated.

April. Review all social profiles to adjust the message and coherence
There is nothing more to it dislodges a follower who does not see the same image in profile between the different social networks where you have presence. Do not take for miss you all know you, take time to update all your social profiles, and you've changed your slogan, you've reinforced and now conveys a message much closer to reality, and therefore you have no choice . You will know what you have had to have suffered your followers.

May. It incorporates new tools to help you promote your post on social networks
Do you insist again and again in promoting mechanical manually and your post among your followers. Includes program service every Sunday BufferApp and what you want to communicate during the week. The 140 characters of Twitter go far, do not put just the post title and url, add hashtags, replacing the title with a question or other text related to the content of your post. What is Buffer and how to combine it with Blogger? You'll reach the conclusion that now spend your time on what really matters, create new content and respond to your followers.

June. Use your SMARTHPHONE for more than just playing apalabrados
I usually find many people who claim to SmartPhone. They are up to date with the latest news, rates of the different companies and up to operating system version. use four applications, as always apalabrados. If you have a SmartPhone or Tablet, you actually oriented operating system web services. You can monitor the status of your blog minute by minute, social networks and so on. I've questioned this and as a result here are 10 applications to manage your blog from your SMARTHPHONE. You'll reach the conclusion that you definitely have to uninstall an application accounts in favor of others.

July. Do not expect to find your blog, go ahead and answer your
With tools like Google Alerts you can receive a notification every time someone uses a number of words for your blog can be key. For example if you have a cooking blog or craft and in some forum someone asks how you make a blueberry pie? could be aware of and recommend your post. What say you on social networks like your competitors are evolving tasks of a Community Manager, This issue raises me a while and I'm constantly mulling over this issue, see this post What is a Community Manager and what tools used?. You'll conclude that your blog needs an administrator 2.0, so you have to put the batteries if you want to follow so improving.

August. Quantity or quality in your post, a titanic struggle
This is a very complicated issue and goes a bit depending on each type of blog, but I mention a little of what's on your mind me, in my case iniciaBlog contains over 80% post describing a method / tutorial. These tutorials are the key in this case the traffic I receive regarding organic searches. Which of them I know I can improve, and many services change and force me to update each post. It is a titanic struggle between continuing to create new content vs. maintaining and improving the current content. This will you put it only when you reach levels or when you think you've come full circle. I bet right now (always have) for quality, by improving existing, that's my priority rather than the creation of new content. Or put another way and nobody panic, for each new post that set, I would like to improve 3 above. You should be aware that there are short-lived post, those related to events (a peak in the statistics), subject to lifetime those stations (prolonged drop to zero in the statistics) eg product versions (iPhone3, iPhone4 , iPhone5 ...) and after long-term, ie one who manages to stay in time, such a simple recipe. Reflect on this topic if you see your blog post is made durable. Remember that we talked once about seo tips to optimize each post in Blogger where they touch layout issues. Before publishing this post, I improved this, this and this one too. You will conclude that you have done.

9. Check your outgoing links and analyzes whether or not it is worth keeping
You impulsively adding the links to your blogroll and it is longer than most of your post. Many of these links puende be pointing to blogs that are not updated, it does not exist or simply do not have a theme similar to yours. Make clean and consistent, the end result will be 10 times better than what you had before. Remember, oddly enough, a person can return to your blog for quality link that you offered in your blogroll, and says a lot about you the quality of the sites that you recommend to your readers. I've taken one and I have another. You will conclude that you are one of the few of your friends who are still active.

10. Do not neglect the blog and walk away and the Christmas ornament!
Now you can have a blog updated daily that if the foot of the blog that has to do with the year the copyright, etc. and outdated obsoloteo think is a bad image. Let alone those blogs that are showing Christmas decorations in February. If you are someone who are willing to surprise in every season, do it but do it well. You'll conclude that your approach was not the most successful and is too costly to maintain.

I'm not much given to this type of post, but I've played dumb positioning issues, marketing, socialmedia, productivity and user interface. Reflect and brings out the best for your blog, please unlearns to Blogging, consider things and jump to get them.
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